Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Confessions of an Attention Whore

I do so like attention. I like it a lot. Too much. Tell me how funny I am; Envy my beautifully crafted Scrapbook Pages; Say that my children are gorgeous; Admire my high score on Lego Star Wars Wii. I take praise and accolades in any form but credit or lies. You can't simply compliment me lavishly for my delicious chocolate chip cookies, and NOT be expected to express your delight at my steak nachos. AND you have to be telling the truth. I will not accept false flattery. If you don't adore my cookies (probably because you lost your taste buds in a tragic McDonald's hot coffee incident), then say nothing. And IF you say nothing, I will always assume you didn't like them or I did something wrong. The absence of legitimate “atta' girls” sends me spiraling down in a frenzy of doubt and self loathing. “WHY? WHY? WHY do they hate me? Did I add a 'heaping', rather than 'level' scoop of baking soda?”; “They don't like my shoes! They are laughing at me right now because I thought these shoes were GREAT and they're really horrible!” ; “I got lazy and used scissors instead of going upstairs and getting the circle cutter, and They are disgusted by my incompetent circle cutting!”.
A bit dramatic? Well, to consider yourself a proper Attention Whore, one must have a flair for drama. I can absolve myself of any responsibility for my own feeling of self worth and put that on You good people. BUT only look at me when I'm doing something worthy of highest praise. You are not allowed to see flaws, or even that which is merely unremarkable.
Pay no attention to that bourgeois woman behind the curtain, working frantically to keep up appearances! I have built a wall which retains the insecurities of a lifetime! Your approval is my mortar, and my good intentions to get you to like me are my bricks! I will not accept insincere “butt kissing” on your part, but it is for YOUR welfare that I must work harder to be dishonest with you, and omit my weaknesses in order to maintain the projected image we have built together and you have come to so highly esteem!
(Sigh) Isn't it funny when we scream for people to recognize our triumphs, they unavoidably also notice when we fall flat on our faces.
And now that I have fallen, I can have compassion for those whose personality cults I have been a member of, who were eventually exposed as being disappointingly human. I recognize my own responsibility in helping build their wall of illusion. I thought that if I could just maximize my strengths and minimize my weaknesses, I could be LIKE them, or, as my competitive nature insists, be BETTER than them- more successful, more respected, more loved.
Maybe if we accept the fact that everyone has issues, there wouldn't be so much pressure to look like we don't. How many situations have we created where the livelihood of others depend on the success of an individual Personality? I mean, how would it be if an active politician showed up at an AA meeting? They would likely lose their job, and so would all the people who work for them, because we can't have that representing us! How many lives would be different if ministers could seek help for sexual issues long before they become big problems? If they admitted they had an issue, it would hurt the success of the ministry they are such an essential part of (like, GOD can't be real if you aren't perfect!). We want a diet guru who can identify with our food addiction, but they had better not struggle with it and get fat again! Athletes must be continually superhuman. And if they succumb to the temptation that if they just take this little injection, no matter how harmful, everybody keeps making money, and are later crucified for it when someone finds out. Entertainers have to have the fountain of youth, but when they obviously start to need plastic surgery for their plastic surgery, they become the standard late night talk show monologue joke.
We build our idols and tear them down one after another in search of one who is worthy of us, one we can be worthy of besting.
Attention Whores mistake their own definition of success for significance in this world. We need to understand, that twisted definition we have of “success” isn't real. It may seem to look like it's working for us in the short term. We may also think that 5 minutes of that illusion is better than a lifetime of 'ordinary', but once we think we've tasted that definition of success we are always hungry for more, and we'll do what we think we have to to feed that hunger.
But, we will NEVER be able keep that up. It sucks when they find out we're really just a person, and not a Grand and Formidable wizard(again I Sigh). But, I suppose, it's also pretty cool when the wall comes crashing down, and you are completely exposed and raw, that there are some who will stick around- not many, but some- who see the ugly, but can still see the good stuff too, and they still like you. They may even help dust you off and stand up. It turns out that if I had been honest about my struggles along the way we could have helped each other, and truly connected in a way only imperfect people can.


Beth said...

Kimberly, I am touched by your struggle to be okay with your humanity. I've had and continue to deal with those same feelings. I think everyone does. But one thing that helped me along the way is to realize that there is an irony in being real. The irony is that although it seems to be repulsive or at least disillusioning to others, it actually helps others to see us more clearly, relate to us, and to embrace us. I admire you for being real about your struggle. Remember - you're still cool in my book!

Laura Zielke said...

You, my dear, are a gifted writer with a true talent to put what we all feel into words--words that make sense and have correct punctuation! I just finished reading a book by Dr. Brene Brown entitled "The Gifts of Imperfection." Your post reminds me a lot of the book and her work on "shame resilience." Thanks for sharing!

Kimberly said...

Beth- I'm just happy to be in your book. To be cool in it is just over the top! It should be easier to be honest with people, but not being able to trust has trained me to be a big fat liar most of my life.

Laura- I looked up Brene Browns website. I will be checking my PBS listing for her show, also titled "The Gifts of Imperfection". Thanks!

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