My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Truly LOVED the concept of this book. It was personally challenging. When you have been brought up in Anglo-American Christian culture, we are so conditioned to believe Busy-ness is next to Godliness. When I took off the "masks" I had been working so hard to nurture and maintain, I was kind of left with "Now What? If I'm not this person who is busy working to please God, then who am I?" Many of us have been spiritually manipulated by people who claim to be "authorities" into believing that if we are given the opportunity to do any and every good thing and we don't we "make Jesus sad", even to the point of sacrificing Family on the altar of ministry. And all of this working and performing has fed our pride and arrogance. We can never Please God until we truly begin to trust Him, and casting our cares on Him and accepting the Grace He offers is not a desprt act of weakness but a willful act of humility We have been misled by a culture who has preached Grace, but doesn't really have a clue what Grace truly is. But trusting God with who I really am, isn't really the tough part, but the "trusting others". While I agree we should not have to perform or pretend we are someone we are not, and even when surrounded by posers we should maintain authenticity and we should't live a Guarded exsistance, I didn't read anything in the book that really helped the reader understand how to build your community of Grace with trustworthy people. If we don't learn to create and maintain healthy boundaries, we will get sucked back on the Hamster Wheel in the Room of Good Intentions. But the message of the book to look at the true meaning and offering of Grace and step into it is a VERY liberating one.
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